PB&J Co-op Handbook

General Information about PB&J Co-op


Peanut Butter and Jelly Co-op (PB&J) is a secular, inclusive homeschool group who offers families the opportunity to supplement their homeschooling with hands-on enrichment classes and events. Our goal is to form and maintain a community that enables parents, children, and leadership to support one another. Peanut Butter and Jelly Co-op (PB&J) is incorporated as an LLC in the state of Kentucky  run by volunteers. Parental participation is a key component to our co-op community.


Peanut Butter and Jelly Co-op (PB&J) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or any other basis of discrimination. 


PB&J Co-op consists of a Board of Directors who have the final decision-making authority. The Board approves policies that direct operational management and delegates the necessary authority to leaders, so they can fulfill their responsibilities. PB&J Co-op reserves the right to change policies and procedures as needed. The Board can be contacted at peanutbutterandjellyhomeschool@gmail.com

Registration and Membership


PB&J Co-op accepts homeschooling students ages 5-15. Preschool, toddler, and babies may attend if they have an attending sibling age Kindergarten or older. 

Membership includes benefits such as classes, field trips, parties, and other special events. 

Members are expected to attend for the entire semester. PB&J co-op runs on a two semester system, Fall and Winter/Spring. No registration refunds are processed after the start of the semester. All other fees, including field trips, materials, and other fees are also non-refundable unless approved by the Board.

Six weeks prior to semester start, registration will close. The Board needs time to finalize lessons, place supply orders and place both children and parents in their respective spots.  PB&J Co-op has a waitlist we can add families to for the following semester.


Registration occurs two times per year and families register for each semester (Fall and Winter/Spring) separately. Notices of registration dates and specific information for registration will be sent out via email to returning families.

Before offering official membership, we require a face to face meetup to ensure we are both a good fit for each other. This allows any extra questions to be answered and see how our kids' personalities mingle. 

Registration priority is given to families in the following order:

To remain in good standing each semester, parents must meet the following requirements:

Membership Fees

Per Family: $80 for registration. 

Supply fee is an additional $30 per child paid with registration fee. All membership fees must be paid in full six weeks prior to the start of semester starting. Fees for optional projects are not included, but families will be given ample time to decide to participate or not. 


PB&J has communal supplies such as glue sticks, markers, pencils, colored pencils and paper.  If supplies start to run low we will ask at the beginning of the semester for families to pick up supplies needed to fill the supply buckets.  

We do take donations with unwanted craft supplies, have an amazon wish list for larger projects PB&J wishes to accomplish and a gofundme page if you wish to make a monetary donation to help PB&J. (PB&J AMAZON WISH LIST, PB&J co-op GOFUNDME).

Parental Attendance and Participation Policies and Expectations

Requirements of Parents

General Expectations 

All members are required to read and abide by all policies in the PB&J Handbook. Failure to comply with policies will result in a membership review by the Board of Directors.

During Co-op Requirements:

By registering children in the co-op, members agree to assist during their assigned periods, assist with set-up and/or clean up, and contribute where available. Elective assignments will be given prior to the beginning of each semester. 

All parents in the co-op must take an active role in facilitating classes.


Parental attendance is essential to the operation of PB&J. Please communicate on BAND as soon as possible if you will not be attending class. RSVP on BAND within  two days of class to ensure we are able to have enough supplies accounted for. 

PB&J co-op meets on Thursdays and  starts at 10:30am and runs to 2:30pm. PB&J asks that you arrive by 10:15am to go over any announcements and class details. Our activities are planned to run until 2:30 with clean up after.  Please plan on attending PB&J co-op for the full amount of time.  Leaving early can cause a disruption.

For planned absences, notify the Board as soon as you are able.

Dropping off students is not allowed and the attending parent must be available all periods. 

To remain in good standing for registration purposes, parents must not incur more than three absences per semester. Parents with 4 or more absences or 4 or more tardies will have their membership standing reviewed by the Board. 

In the interest of preserving community health, the Board will consider medical exemptions to the absence policy and the effect of absences on registration standing.

PB&J is one day a week not including Field Trips.  We ask that you and your family make a commitment to PB&J as we are making to your family.

Field Trips

In addition to our once a week co-op class, we have field trips planned to bring the learning outside the classroom. Please check Band for dates and details. PB&J will send out payment requests through Venmo. Payment is due two weeks prior to the field trip unless otherwise specified. All field trips are optional. Field trip fees are non refundable and non transferable.


PB&J Co-op offers STEAM, Art, and Literature related activities. As homeschoolers, we understand grade levels are more fluid. PB&J wants our kids to fit in based on maturity and skill level. Activities will be done as an all-age group as well as separated by skill when applicable. Each class we will break off into electives that will rotate on a weekly rotation. If you have a question or concern about where your child has been placed, please let us know.

Expectations of Parents 

PB&J co-op is volunteer based. We understand not everyone can or wants to teach, and have a variety of roles parents can fulfill. PB&J fills the day with hands-on, project based learning in Art, STEM, and Literature activities in a wide variety of ways. To accomplish this, we need parent support:

Child Conduct

Parents: Please read this information with all children and make sure they understand and abide by the following expectations:

Health and Safety Policies 


No members should attend PB&J Co-op if exhibiting any of the following (please consider keeping the entire family home if one or more members are exhibiting any of the following symptoms): 

Individuals who become symptomatic (fever, nausea, vomiting, or otherwise feeling ill) at a PB&J event should immediately leave the event, along with their immediate family.


We follow all current CDC guidelines for COVID.  We understand that some parents may also wish to take additional precautions and welcome that. Current CDC guidelines can be found below.

Food Allergies

If you or your child has a food allergy, please let us know in advance so we can make accommodations. If your child will be participating in a cooking class, please let the lead teacher know as well. We want all our kids to be able to enjoy the food cooked or brought in for birthday celebrations.

Other Co-op Procedures and Policies


All members are required to abide by all policies in the PB&J Handbook. Failure to comply with policies will result in a membership review by the Board of Directors. If a child is not following the standards set forth in the PB&J Handbook, the procedure will be as follows:

PB&J Co-op is committed to a safe environment for all students and parents. Any aggressive physical contact, bullying, verbally or physically threatening behavior, bringing unapproved weapons to any PB&J function could result in a child being sent home and a Board meeting to review and determine appropriate disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. These behaviors include:

Field Trips

By signing up for a field trip, you are obligated to pay any fees associated with the field trip. Fees are nonrefundable. If unable to attend, contact a member of the Board. Members with unpaid fees will be considered not in good standing.


BAND is the primary means of communication. Membership on the Band app is required. Members are responsible for checking in on BAND on a regular basis to receive important news related to PB&J co-op. Pertinent information will be added to the event date for each class. An invitation to join the Band group will be sent upon registration.

Board of Directors

Jessica Rogers

Kelli Bristol

Adria Backer

Please direct all questions for the PB&J Board to peanutbutterandjellyhomeschool@gmail.com

For questions regarding Peanut Butter and Jelly Homeschool or Peanut and Jelly Co-op please reach out to peanutbutterandjellyhomeschool@gmail.com

EIN 88-4369642